  • Okulary pływackie AQUAFEEL LEADER MIRROR


kolor: biały

Cena hurtowa dostępna po zalogowaniu i zatwierdzeniu przez obsługę statusu hurtownika.

Cena detaliczna: 82,90zł brutto
Okulary pływackie marki AQUAFEEL są oznaczone logo CE.
Zostały wyprodukowane zgodnie z obowiązującymi normami unijnymi dotyczącymi bezpieczeństwa osobistego.

Są zgodne z British Standard BS 5883:1996.

  • powłoka lustrzana
  • Ochrona UV
  • powłoka antifog
  • łatwa regulacja paska
  • podwójny pasek
  • soczewka PC
  • wymienny nosek ( różne wielkości)
  • silikonowy pasek na głowę, uszczelka
  • zwiększone pole widzenia
Zaproponuj zmianę
Udostępnij tłumaczenie
Tekst z Twoimi zmianami zostanie wykorzystany do poprawy jakości tłumaczenia i może być widoczny dla innych użytkowników (autor pozostaje anonimowy).
Spróbuj ponownie
Googles are certified with the CE- logo and are manufactured in accordande with EU standards for items of personal safety and company with British Standars BS. contrast lenses adjustable nose bridge increased visibility field splitted head strap size easy to adjust for long swim sessions PC- lens silicone head strap, gasket and frame TPR and PP large, slightly curved lensen offer increased visibility field lenses soft and flexible frame
Tłumaczenia Googles are certified with the CE- logo and are manufactured in accordande with EU standards for items of personal safety and company with British Standars BS. contrast lenses adjustable nose bridge increased visibility field splitted head strap size easy to adjust for long swim sessions PC- lens silicone head strap, gasket and frame TPR and PP large, slightly curved lensen offer increased visibility field lenses soft and flexible frame
Googles are certified with the CE- logo and are manufactured in accordande with EU standards for items of personal safety and company with British Standars BS. contrast lenses adjustable nose bridge increased visibility field splitted head strap size easy to adjust for long swim sessions PC- lens silicone head strap, gasket and frame TPR and PP large, slightly curved lensen offer increased visibility field lenses soft and flexible frame – definicje
search for information about (someone or something) on the Internet using the search engine Google.
I googled the author to see what became of him, and to my delight the entire book is up on the web.
Googles are certified with the CE- logo and are manufactured in accordande with EU standards for items of personal safety and company with British Standars BS. contrast lenses adjustable nose bridge increased visibility field splitted head strap size easy to adjust for long swim sessions PC- lens silicone head strap, gasket and frame TPR and PP large, slightly curved lensen offer increased visibility field lenses soft and flexible frame – przykłady
Googles are certified with the CE- logo and are manufactured in accordande with EU standards for items of personal safety and company with British Standars BS. contrast lenses adjustable nose bridge increased visibility field splitted head strap size easy to adjust for long swim sessions PC- lens silicone head strap, gasket and frame TPR and PP large, slightly curved lensen offer increased visibility field lenses soft and flexible frame – synonimy
Zobacz też

Model polecany do treningu i na zawody.

Rekomendowany przez FINA.

Dwa kolory uszczelek:

  • białe
  • niebieskie
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